Une pierre dans la bouche (1983)
1983 · Movie · 105 min. · France

Synopsis of Une pierre dans la bouche (1983)
A fugitive takes refuge in a manor ("it's Dracula's castle" says one character) where a blind retired thespian lives ;he meets his nephew and his girlfriend who visit him and the Young man ,who sees his sweetheart is slowly falling in love with the intruder,is infuriated.
Direction Jean-Louis Leconte
Cast Harvey Keitel · Michel Robin · Richard Anconina · Catherine Frot · Jeffrey Kime · Bruno Balp · Geneviève Mnich · Jacques Boudet · Greta Rubens · Gérard Uzès · Hugues Quester
Soundtrack Egisto Macchi
Screenplay Jean-Louis Leconte · Gérard Brach
Cinematography Henri Alekan
Original title Une pierre dans la bouche
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Is Une pierre dans la bouche (1983) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
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