Like a Desperado Under the Eaves (2003)

2003 · Movie · 41 min. · Japan

Like a Desperado Under the Eaves (2003)

The main character Akihiko lives in an old apartment. He plays the guitar and sings his own pieces on the street, but this cannot be called his dream. He has a girlfriend. The owner of the apartment next-door constantly repeats Buddhist prayers night and day. On the floor above, there lives a strange middle-aged man who wants to be kicked out of the apartment. Such an ordinary day exists. Akihiko is standing still on the street at dawn.

Direction Shinji Aoyama

Cast Yoichiro Saito · Yûko Nakamura · Taka Okubo · Shûichi Itô

Screenplay Shinji Aoyama

Original title Like a Desperado Under the Eaves

Where to watch Like a Desperado Under the Eaves (2003)?

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Unfortunately, Like a Desperado Under the Eaves (2003) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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