
1995 · Movie · 104 min. · United States


In 1969, young Alan Parrish and Sarah Whittle unearth a box that they find contains a board game, Jumanji. That night they play the game and are startled when the dice start to move of their own accord. But then Alan throws a move that causes him to be transported into the crystal at the center of the game – where he must remain until somebody throws either a five or an eight. 26 years later the house is bought by Nora and she moves in with her niece and nephew Judy and Peter whose parents have died in a skiing accident. Judy and Peter discover the Jumanji game and start playing. They are startled when it materializes swarms of monkeys, mosquitoes and a lion. Upon throwing a five they bring the now adult Alan back out of the game. As the game materializes big game hunters, tropical weather and jungle wildlife that stampedes through the house and the rest of the town, Alan realizes they must complete the game to stop the chaos, and that to do so he has to reunite with the now adult Sarah.

Original title Jumanji


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