The Sunshine Boys (1975)

1975 · Movie · 111 min. · United States

Al Lewis and Willy Clark were once a popular vaudeville comedy team called Lewis and Clark, also known as The Sunshine Boys. After forty-three years as a team, they parted company over eleven years prior on not too friendly terms as Willy wanted to continue his career whereas Al wanted to retire. They have not spoken since. Willy's nephew, Ben - a talent agent - has been trying to find acting jobs for his uncle since with little success as Willy's age and declining ability is showing. But a lucrative opportunity comes up when one of the major networks is producing and airing a special on the history of comedy, and want The Sunshine Boys to appear. Ben has to try and convince the comedy team to reunite for just this one gig. Ben has to try and manage the individual quirks and personalities of each of The Sunshine Boys while putting on a good face to the network that there is harmony within The Sunshine Boys comedy team. Ben also has to manage the lives of two men in the twilight of their lives.

Direction Herbert Ross

Cast Walter Matthau · George Burns · Richard Benjamin · Carol Arthur · Lee Meredith · Howard Hesseman · Fritz Feld · F. Murray Abraham · Ron Rifkin

Soundtrack Harry V. Lojewski

Screenplay Neil Simon

Cinematography David M. Walsh

Original title The Sunshine Boys

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