Pride (1955)

1955 · Movie · 106 min. · Spain

Pride (1955)

Based on a story as old as injustice , in the clash between two families of ranchers, set in black hard post Spanish Civil War, located in a harsh and arid Castilian village in which the river is a source of life for the that employees of both families were killed in the initial conflict defending the hand that feeds them. "Laura" (Marisa Prado) , arrival from Paris where she was sent by her mother "Teresa" (Candida Losada), hard and sturdy woman on the death of her husband took over the vast estate, and , "Enrique Alzaga" (Alberto Ruschel), son of the enemy family patriarch "Don Enrique" (Enrique Diosdado). Written by Psagray

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Unfortunately, Pride (1955) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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