The Crossing (1990)

1990 · Movie · 92 min. · Australia

The Crossing (1990)

After 18 months Sam returns to his place of birth. He wants to ask his girlfriend Meg who he had let down when he left, to go with him to the big city. However Meg was deeply sad because of Sam's leaving, that she had started a relation with his best friend Johnny. At the night of Sam's unexpected return, Johhny asks Meg to marry him. Meg is forced to make a choice! That Saturday night, Meg and a desperate and drunk Johhny deceide to escape from their dancing night. The only problem is, that Sam at that same time leaves the village to go to the big city and he pursues them. In this tragical night, two cars are racing on the freeway on their way to the level crossing and a frontal car accident...

Direction George Ogilvie

Cast Russell Crowe · Robert Mammone · Danielle Spencer

Soundtrack Martin Armiger

Screenplay Ranald Allan

Cinematography Jeff Darling

Original title The Crossing

Where to watch The Crossing (1990)?

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Unfortunately, The Crossing (1990) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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