For Heaven's Sake (1926)

1926 · Movie · 58 min. · United States

The Uptown Boy, J. Harold Manners (Lloyd) is a millionaire playboy who falls for the Downtown Girl, Hope (Ralston) who works in Brother Paul's (Weigel) mission. In order to build up attendance, and win Hope's attention, Harold runs through town causing trouble, and winds up with a crowd chasing him right into the mission. He eventually wins the girl and they marry, but not without some interference from his high-brow friends.

Direction Sam Taylor

Cast Harold Lloyd · Jobyna Ralston · Noah Young · Jim Mason · Paul Weigel · Richard Daniels · Robert Dudley

Screenplay John Grey · Ted Wilde

Cinematography Walter Lundin

Original title For Heaven's Sake

Where to watch For Heaven's Sake (1926)?

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Unfortunately, For Heaven's Sake (1926) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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