The Sewer Rats (A Woman and 7 Bastards) (1974)

1974 · Movie · 89 min. · Italy

The Sewer Rats (A Woman and 7 Bastards) (1974)

A man with no name is driving through a dirt road when his car breaks down. He's a strong-built man, but a cripple (and that's how the others will call him). Nearby there is an old mining town composed by some wooden houses. When the Cripple (Richard Harrison) arrives there, he'll be received with hostility and distrust. There are six bastards in the town. There's Carl (Antonio Casale) that owns everything in the town. There's Gordon (Gordon Mitchell) that arrived there with a military uniform and is the partner of Carl. There's the Mute (Luciano Rossi). He plays harmonica all the time and besides being mute, he's also a hunchback and seems to be an imbecile as well. There's Smith (Ivano Staccioli) that escaped from a nuthouse. There's Dick (Luciano Bartoli), a runaway convict. There's the Old Man (Andrea Checchi). And finally there's Rita (Dagmar Lassander) who is married to Carl and is the only woman in town. Rita is constantly harassed, beaten and raped, but she seems to enjoy the whole thing. There's dissension and distrust among the crew and they are constantly fighting against each other (often because of Rita). As to the Cripple, he carries a secret with him. Nobody knows who he is or what he wants.

Where to watch The Sewer Rats (A Woman and 7 Bastards) (1974)?

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