Vanessa: Her Love Story (1935)

1935 · Movie · 74 min. · United States

Vanessa: Her Love Story (1935)

The only person that Vanessa wants to marry is Benjamin and they are finally engaged. When a fire sweeps through her fathers house, Benjie is able to save Vanessa, but he cannot save her already dead father. Since Vanessa blames him in her fathers death, they separate and Benjie marries Marion, the barmaid. After realizing that she was mistaken, Vanessa finds that he is married and she then reluctantly accepts the proposal of Ellis. However, Ellis is slowly going insane and Vanessa is not told. With her married life becoming intolerable, she tries to leave Ellis, but she cannot divorce him as long as he is insane.

Direction William K. Howard

Cast Robert Montgomery · Helen Hayes · May Robson · Otto Kruger · Lewis Stone · Henry Stephenson · Donald Crisp · Agnes Anderson · Lionel Belmore

Soundtrack Herbert Stothart

Screenplay Lenore J. Coffee

Cinematography Ray June

Original title Vanessa: Her Love Story

Where to watch Vanessa: Her Love Story (1935)?

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Unfortunately, Vanessa: Her Love Story (1935) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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