Dante Ferretti: Production Designer (2010)

2010 · Documentary · 52 min. · Italy

Dante Ferretti: Production Designer (2010)

The Documentary "Dante Ferretti - Production Designer" retraces the life and the career of Dante Ferretti, the famous Italian Artist and Production Designer, who won two Academy Awards (The "Aviator" by Martin Scorsese and "Sweeny Todd" by Tim Burton) and BAFTA. Here we detail Dante's life, from the origin of his career in Macerata...

Direction Gianfranco Giagni

Soundtrack Riccardo Giagni

Screenplay Gianfranco Giagni

Cinematography Alessio Gelsini Torresi · Alessio Iuso · Giuseppe Malpasso · Ugo Menegatti

Original title Dante Ferretti: Scenografo italiano

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