The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941)

1941 · Movie · 92 min. · United States

Charter pilot Steve Collins is able to stay one step ahead of girlfriends who want to marry him and the bill collector who wants to repossess his plane. His latest charter is Joan Winfield, a madcap heiress who is eloping to Las Vegas with vapid bandleader Allen Brice. When Steve finds out that her oil tycoon father vehemently objects to the marriage, he is able to negotiate with him to kidnap his daughter and deliver her to him in exchange for enough money to save his plane and business. Unexpectedly the aircraft goes down in an ghost town inhabited by an idiosyncratic but lovable old man. Trapped in the desert, the improbable couple soon find that opposites attract.

Where to watch The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941)?

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Unfortunately, The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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