Inside Daisy Clover (1965)

1965 · Movie · 128 min. · United States

Synopsis of Inside Daisy Clover (1965)

When teenage beachnik Daisy Clover is discovered by a Hollywood studio, she has no idea how much her life is about to change. Daisy instantly becomes a big movie star, going from rags to riches, and enjoying such perks as Hollywood parties and a romance with a handsome actor. But with stardom comes turmoil for Daisy, in the form of career pressures, personal problems, and a disastrous marriage. Soon, it all becomes too much for the actress, and less than two years after becoming famous, Daisy has a nervous breakdown. Will Daisy rebound from her emotional collapse and stay in Hollywood? Or will she re-think her life and leave Tinseltown for good?

Direction Robert Mulligan

Cast Natalie Wood · Robert Redford · Christopher Plummer · Roddy McDowall · John Hale · Ruth Gordon · Katharine Bard · Peter Helm · Ottola Nesmith · Edna Holland

Soundtrack Andre Previn

Screenplay Gavin Lambert

Cinematography Charles Lang

Original title Inside Daisy Clover

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