The Feminine Touch (1941)

1941 · Movie · 97 min. · United States

The Feminine Touch (1941)

John Hathaway is a professor of psychology at Digby College. His students are bored as he is with the students. He leaves college to go to New York to have his manuscript on jealousy published. John and Julie go to Elliott Morgan Publishing to discuss his book. Being that it is highly technical and boring, Nellie wants to focus on the small part about couples that she thinks will sell. But it soon becomes apparent that everyone is more intrigued by Julie than the book. Elliott tries to make advances on Julie while Nellie is more interested in John than his book. Julie, however, is worried about John, while John, who wrote the book on jealousy, seems oblivious to it and thinks that he knows everything about jealousy.

Direction W.S. Van Dyke

Cast Rosalind Russell · Don Ameche · Kay Francis · Van Heflin · Donald Meek · Gordon Jones · Henry Daniell · Sidney Blackmer · Grant Mitchell · David Clyde

Soundtrack Franz Waxman

Screenplay George Oppenheimer · Edmund L. Hartmann · Ogden Nash

Cinematography Ray June

Original title The Feminine Touch

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Unfortunately, The Feminine Touch (1941) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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