Mini's First Time (2006)
2006 · Movie · 89 min. · United States
Synopsis of Mini's First Time (2006)
Nick Guthe's darkly comic Mini's First Time stars Nikki Reed as the title character, a manipulative, highly sexualized teenager with parents who fail to offer much structure or guidance. Her stepfather (Alec Baldwin) is rich and dim, and her mother (Carrie-Anne Moss) leads a hard-partying lifestyle. As the relationship between Mini and her stepfather grows more twisted, criminal activity occurs. Luke Wilson appears as a detective investigating the situation, and Jeff Goldblum plays their wealthy neighbor.
Direction Nick Guthe
Cast Alec Baldwin · Nikki Reed · Luke Wilson · Carrie-Anne Moss · Jeff Goldblum · Rick Fox · Svetlana Metkina · Sprague Grayden · Artie Baxter · Michael Laskin · Joe Egender · Orlando Seale
Soundtrack Cato
Screenplay Nick Guthe
Cinematography Dan Stoloff
Original title Mini's First Time
Where to watch Mini's First Time (2006)? Streaming, buy, and rent
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Watch Mini's First Time (2006) online
Currently, you can watch Mini's First Time (2006) online on the following platforms:
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Is Mini's First Time on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
Many users search for whether Mini's First Time (2006) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. In United States, Mini's First Time (2006) is available on Prime Video. Here are some tips to enjoy it like a true movie pro:
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