Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010)
2010 · Series · 22 min. · United States

Synopsis of Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010)
Team Umizoomi is a animated fantasy musical series with an emphasis on preschool mathematical concepts, such as counting, sequences, shapes, patterns, measurements, and comparisons. The team consists of mini superheroes Milli and Geo, a friendly robot named Bot, and the child who is viewing the show. Milli, Geo and Bot refer to the child viewer as their Umifriend and encourage him or her to develop their "Mighty Math Powers!" The action generally takes place in and around Umi City, a colorful city where the streets are paved with origami inspired patterns. In the United States Team Umizoomi is shown on both Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon. It is also available on iTunes. It first aired on January 25, 2010.
Direction Soo Kim · Michael Smith · Jennifer Twomey · Matt Sheridan
Soundtrack P.T. Walkley
Screenplay Soo Kim · Michael Smith · Jennifer Twomey · Jeff Borkin · Clark Stubbs · Brian L. Perkins · Dustin Ferrer · P. Kevin Strader
Original title Team Umizoomi (TV Series)
Where to watch Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010)? Streaming, buy, and rent
If you’re wondering where to watch Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010), LiberFilm provides you with all the available options to enjoy it online. Discover which streaming, rental, or purchase platforms offer it, with the best quality and price.
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Currently, you can watch Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010) online on the following platforms:
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Is Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
Many users search for whether Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. In United States, Team Umizoomi (TV Series) (2010) is available on Prime Video. Here are some tips to enjoy it like a true movie pro:
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