Seaside Avenue (2024)
2024 · Movie · 85 min. · Brazil

Synopsis of Seaside Avenue (2024)
Rebeca is the daughter of divorced parents, moving with her mom to the Piratininga suburb, coast of Niterói. Due to a wave of thefts, she is not allowed to leave her house by herself. Living in the neighboring suburb, Tibay, Mika is a girl of the same age as Rebeca, who doesn't identify herself with the sex she was assigned at birth. Her dead name is João Pedro. She had let her hair grow and used the clothes of her older sister, who doesn't live there anymore. Her parents do not accept her. Mika spends most of her time on the streets, committing petty crimes such as breaking ins to steal feminine objects. The paths of the two girls cross. Adults will not look kindly to their friendship. After being forced to shave her hair and use masculine clothes, Mika disappears. This will be the trigger to a series of extreme actions that will shake the life of the kids and adults living on Beira-Mar Avenue.
Direction Maju de Paiva · Bernardo Florim
Cast Andréa Beltrão · Emiliano Queiroz · Isabel Teixeira · César Augusto · Analu Prestes · Milena Pinheiro · Ângela Rebello
Soundtrack Daniel Simitan
Screenplay Bernardo Florim · Maju de Paiva
Cinematography Luis Abramo
Original title Avenida Beira-Mar
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