Porträtt av Åsa (1965)

1965 · Documentary · 30 min. · Sweden

Porträtt av Åsa (1965)

A train passes the village Stångby in the countryside. Three-year-old Åsa comes running naked along a street and into a modern villa, located close to the railway track. She has just started her life, and the whole world is there for her to discover. Everything is new, so she looks with curiosity and thoughtfulness also on ordinary things in her immediate surroundings. Mostly she moves around in the house, plays with her toys, dances, reprehends the cats, looks out through the windows. Now and then her circles widens, as when her father brings her to a farm nearby, or to his job. One day her parents take her with a ferry to Copenhagen, where they visit the Zoo. Åsa is fascinated by all the various animals. She makes comments on their features as well as on how they feel.

Direction Jan Troell

Screenplay Jan Troell

Cinematography Jan Troell

Original title Porträtt av Åsa

Where to watch Porträtt av Åsa (1965)?

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