Pablo G. del Amo, un montador de ilusiones

2005 · Documentary · 64 min. · Spain

Pablo G. del Amo, un montador de ilusiones

This is a documentary about the personal and professional career of a film editor. The heroe?s voice and the testimonies of the people who worked with him take us through an emotional biography starting in 1927 until his death in August 2004. The interviewees are José Luis García Sánchez, José Luis Borau, Montxo Armendáriz, Vicente Aranda, Mario Camus, Miguel Picazo, Víctor Erice, Jaime Chávarri, Basilio Martín Patino, Gerardo Vera, David Trueba, Manuel Vicent, Teddy Villalba, Elías Querejeta, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Eloy de la Iglesia, Fernando Fernán-Gómez, José Salcedo, Carlos Saura, Pedro Almodóvar, Isabel do Carmo, José Manuel Alves, Teresa Ferreira, Raúl Solnado, Fernando Lopes and José Fonseca.

Direction Diego Galán

Soundtrack Joan Valent

Screenplay Diego Galán

Cinematography Gonzalo F. Berridi

Original title Pablo G. del Amo, un montador de ilusiones


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