Agnes (2016)
2016 · Movie · 104 min. · Germany
Synopsis of Agnes (2016)
WALTER (41) is planning on writing a book about German entrepreneurs. On a spring day he meets the physics student AGNES (28). He is fascinated by her extreme attitude towards life. After reading some of his short stories, Agnes proposes that he writes a story about her. Their love story already begins on their first date. But after a while, Walter gets irritated, because Agnes follows the picture he draws of her in real life. Events turn over and Walter discovers that there can only be one ending to his story - but this ending could cost him their relationship and it could also cost Agnes' life.
Direction Johannes Schmid
Cast Odine Johne · Stephan Kampwirth · Sonja Baum · Regine Andratschke · Walter Hess · Maximilian Scheidt · Berit Menze · Johny Mathew
Soundtrack Michael Heilrath · Anna Ternheim
Screenplay Johannes Schmid · Nora Lämmermann · Benjamin Braeunlich
Cinematography Michael Bertl
Original title Agnes
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