Three Days with the Family (Tres días con la familia) (2009)

2009 · Movie · 79 min. · Spain

Lea has to go to Girona unexpectedly as her grandfather has recently passed away. There, she will meet up with her family, whom she hasn’t seen since she left to go abroad. The death of the patriarch of the Vich i Carbó family is the perfect catalyst to force his descendents to get along.The three days of the wake, the mass and the funeral are full of nostalgia and the grief brought about by death. It is also a good time to put an end to the show of appearances put on by this bourgeoisie in their decline. Lea rebels against this world of hypocrisy, although it clings to her skin like a tailor-made suit.

Direction Mar Coll

Cast Nausicaa Bonnín · Eduard Fernández · Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu · Francesc Orella · Ramón Fontserè · David Verdaguer · Artur Busquets · Amália Sancho · Aida Oset

Soundtrack Maikmaier

Screenplay Mar Coll · Valentina Viso

Cinematography Neus Ollé

Original title Tres dies amb la família (Tres días con la familia)

Where to watch Three Days with the Family (Tres días con la familia) (2009)?

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Unfortunately, Three Days with the Family (Tres días con la familia) (2009) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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