Wildrose (1984)
1984 · Movie · 95 min. · United States

Synopsis of Wildrose (1984)
Shedding her abusive husband, June Lorich starts life anew by taking a job as a heavy-machinery operator in an otherwise all-male Minnesota iron mine. Relentless harrassed by her sexist coworkers, Eichhorn finds a friend in strip-miner Rick Ogaard. Their casual relationship develops into romance, while Eichhorn questions the wisdom of entering into another love affair so quickly after her disastrous marriage. Wildrose was magnificently photographed on location in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Direction John Hanson
Cast Lisa Eichhorn · Tom Bower · James Cada · Cinda Jackson · Dan Nemanick · Lydia Olsen · Bill Schoppert
Soundtrack Bernard Krause · Gary Malkin · Chris Williamson
Screenplay John Hanson · Eugene Corr · Sandra Schulberg
Cinematography Peter Stein
Original title Wildrose
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