Doctor Who: The Three Doctors (TV) (1972)

1972 · Movie · 98 min. · United Kingdom

Doctor Who: The Three Doctors (TV) (1972)

A special story to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the show. Time itself is in peril! The Time Lords' energy is being drained through a black hole by a mysterious enemy. They enlist the Doctor in his first three incarnations to battle this foe. Through the black hole, they get trapped in an anti-matter universe. There they discover that Omega, a long-lost pioneer of the Time Lord, is determined to destroy them and force the Doctors to remain within the black hole. The only way out is to break the First Law of Time...

Direction Lennie Mayne

Cast Jon Pertwee · Patrick Troughton · Katy Manning · William Hartnell · Nicholas Courtney · John Levene · Stephen Thorne · Rex Robinson · Roy Purcell · Laurie Webb · Clyde Pollitt · Graham Leaman

Soundtrack Dudley Simpson

Screenplay Bob Baker · Dave Martin

Cinematography Clive Thomas

Original title Doctor Who: The Three Doctors (TV)

Where to watch Doctor Who: The Three Doctors (TV) (1972)?

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Unfortunately, Doctor Who: The Three Doctors (TV) (1972) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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