Como matar a papá... sin hacerle daño (1975)

1975 · Movie · 84 min. · Spain

Como matar a papá... sin hacerle daño (1975)

Don Arturo is an old miser who has always shown more interest on the money than for his children who, for years, have lived almost penniless. All they have is what they have gained through their efforts. But Don Arturo suffers a stroke and gathers his sons in his deathbed. When the usurer confesses the volume of his wealth, it is them who are on the edge of the infarct. However, the dying man recovers and returns to be the same. Then, the children put into practice every possible way to get rid of their stingy father.

Direction Ramón Fernández

Cast Isabel Garcés · Andrés Pajares · Manolo Gómez Bur · Marisol Ayuso · Josele Román · Laly Soldevila · Tony Isbert · Julián Navarro · Mirta Miller

Soundtrack Alfonso G. Santisteban

Screenplay Juan José Alonso Millán

Cinematography Hans Burmann

Original title Como matar a papá... sin hacerle daño

Where to watch Como matar a papá... sin hacerle daño (1975)?

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Unfortunately, Como matar a papá... sin hacerle daño (1975) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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