Skirt Shy (S) (1929)

1929 · Movie · 20 min. · United States

Skirt Shy (S) (1929)

Dobbs and Nancy, butler and maid to dowager Maggie Herring, learn from their employer that she is broke. If Edgar, her aged suitor, doesn't propose immediately, she'll lose the house and the pair will lose their jobs. While Maggie's off at the bank seeking mercy, Edgar arrives with flowers. To detain him, Nancy convinces Dobbs to don Maggie's clothes. "Pretend to be angry," Nancy advises. The plan seems to be working, with Edgar penitent and Dobbs unforgiving, when a gun-slinging Westerner, who used to court Maggie, arrives to seek her hand again. Bricks, bullets, and bloomers fly.

Direction Charley Rogers · Fred Guiol

Cast Harry Langdon · May Wallace · Tom Ricketts · Judith Barrett

Screenplay H.M. Walker

Original title Skirt Shy (S)

Where to watch Skirt Shy (S) (1929)?

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Unfortunately, Skirt Shy (S) (1929) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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