Baby's First Christmas (TV) (2012)
2012 · Movie · 90 min. · United States
Synopsis of Baby's First Christmas (TV) (2012)
When a pair of feuding colleagues, Kyle and Jenna are thrown together after their siblings, Jim and Trisha fall in love, they have to learn to get along in time for their nephew's birth on Christmas. Realizing Jim and Trisha have major money troubles, Kyle and Jenna band together to help and end up on a snowy New York adventure that will prove miracles really do happen at Christmas. Written by Hallmark
Direction Jonathan Wright
Cast Casper Van Dien · Rachel Wilson · Ella Ballentine · Natalie Lisinska · Noah Cappe · Art Hindle
Soundtrack Stacey Hersh
Screenplay Robert Vaughn
Cinematography Russ Goozee
Original title Baby's First Christmas (TV)
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