Sun, Sand & Romance (TV) (2017)

2017 · Movie · 84 min. · United States

Sun, Sand & Romance (TV) (2017)

Kate (Helfer), a driven accounting executive, heads to Cancun with her boyfriend Eric, an equally ambitious land development executive, for some much-needed rest and relaxation. But the getaway they agreed would be 90 percent romance and just 10 percent work becomes anything but that. Upon arrival, Eric learns a prominent real estate developer is a guest in their resort. Wanting to seize the opportunity for potential business, Eric chases this new venture and leaves Kate to her own devices time and again. Luckily, Shep (Campbell), the resort's activities director, is an old friend of Kate's from her camp counselor days and more than willing to help fill her solo hours with fun and adventure. As the old friends spend more time together and reconnect, Kate is reminded of dreams she used to have and finds herself wondering if it's time to change course.

Direction Mark Rosman

Cast Tricia Helfer · Paul Campbell · Scott Elrod · Tim Russ · Rafael Simón · Sadie Robertson · Heidi Fielek · Daniel Tirado · Isabella Tirado · Tonja Henricksen

Soundtrack Chris Forsgren

Screenplay Rich Tabach · Jennifer Barrow · Gregg Rossen · Brian Sawyer

Cinematography Michael P. May

Original title Sun, Sand & Romance (TV)

Where to watch Sun, Sand & Romance (TV) (2017)?

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Unfortunately, Sun, Sand & Romance (TV) (2017) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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