Aftermath (2012)

2012 · Movie · 92 min. · United States

Aftermath (2012)

Searching for a happy ending to a tale of unimaginable disaster and horror, nine strangers find themselves holed up together in a farmhouse cellar in rural Texas. The United States has hastily become embroiled in World War 3. A young doctor named Hunter survives the nuclear attack and is thrown together by happenstance with a group of wounded and frightened victims, including Elizabeth, a strong-willed confidant to Hunter, Brad - an antagonistic redneck jackass, and Jennifer, a barely coherent young woman suffering from severe post-traumatic stress. Together, they attempt to endure the devastating holocaust as they struggle with claustrophobia and conflicting personalities. In a makeshift shelter, Hunter and his dying companions wait for news from the government while fending off hunger, radiation sickness, and a horde of frightened and dying refugees.

Direction Peter Engert

Cast Edward Furlong · Monica Keena · William Baldwin · Andre Royo · C.J. Thomason · Ted Ferguson · Cree Kelly · Jessie Rusu · Kaleina Cordova · Bobbi Sue Luther

Soundtrack Austin Wintory

Screenplay Christian McDonald

Cinematography Scott Winig

Original title Aftermath (Remnants)

Where to watch Aftermath (2012)?

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Unfortunately, Aftermath (2012) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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