Thor (2011)

2011 · Movie · 110 min. · United States

Synopsis of Thor (2011)

The warrior Thor is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard by his father Odin for his arrogance and sent to Earth to live among humans. Falling in love with scientist Jane Foster teaches Thor much-needed lessons, and his new-found strength comes into play as a villain from his homeland sends dark forces toward Earth. Adaptation of the comic book franchise that launched in 1962.

Where to watch Thor (2011)? Streaming, buy, and rent

If you’re wondering where to watch Thor (2011), LiberFilm provides you with all the available options to enjoy it online. Discover which streaming, rental, or purchase platforms offer it, with the best quality and price.

Watch Thor (2011) online

Currently, you can watch Thor (2011) online on the following platforms:

  • Disney+

Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.

Is Thor (2011) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

Many users search for whether Thor (2011) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. In United States, Thor (2011) is available on Disney+. Here are some tips to enjoy it like a true movie pro:

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