On the Level (1930)

1930 · Movie · 65 min. · United States

On the Level (1930)

Cocky Biff Williams, a high-rise iron worker, on his perch twenty-four stories above the New York City street, flirts with a beautiful woman, Lynn Crawford, in an office-window nearby. She turns out to be a real-estate racketeer and, later when they get together, talks Biff into investing his life savings in lots that have no title, but Biff is unaware of this. He also talks his fellow workers into the crooked deal. When the deception is discovered, his fellow workers who have always considered him "on the level" think he was part of the swindle and come after him. To save his hide he has to get the money back, but Lynn and are confederates are at Grand Central Station about to board a train for Canada.

Where to watch On the Level (1930)?

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Unfortunately, On the Level (1930) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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