Léon Morin, Priest (1961)

1961 · Movie · 117 min. · France

A little French town during the Occupation. Barny is a young sexually frustrated widow, living with her little girl France. She is also a communist militant, and one days she enters in a church, randomly choses a priest and starts criticizing the religion. But the priest is a young handsome clever one, Leon Morin. He does not offer her the reaction she was expecting. She is disturbated. She starts frequenting him, impressed by Morin's moral strength.

Direction Jean-Pierre Melville

Cast Jean-Paul Belmondo · Emmanuelle Riva · Iréne Tunc · Nicole Mirel · Gisèle Grimm · Marco Behar · Monique Bertho · Gerard Buhr · Howard Vernon

Soundtrack Martial Solal

Screenplay Jean-Pierre Melville · Béatrix Beck

Cinematography Henri Decaë

Original title Léon Morin, prêtre

Also known as The Forgiven Sinner

Where to watch Léon Morin, Priest (1961)?

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Unfortunately, Léon Morin, Priest (1961) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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