The Sign of Four (TV) (2001)

2001 · Movie · 90 min. · Canada

The Sign of Four (TV) (2001)

Greed, betrayal and vengeance set the stage for this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic. Mary Morstan, a young governess, has been receiving a rare and lustrous pearl annually from an anonymous benefactor. This mysterious person now wants a meeting. Anxious and bewildered, Miss Morstan enlists Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to escort her to this meeting. Together they go to the home of an eccentric novelist, Thaddeus Sholto, who recounts to them a tale of secrecy, hidden treasure and sudden death. Thaddeus reports that his father, Major Sholto, was in the army in India with Miss Morstan's father where the two had come to possess a fabulous treasure. Subsequently, her father mysteriously disappeared without his promised share. A guilt-ridden Major Sholto hid the treasure and sent Miss Morstan the annual gift of pearls. Years later, a letter arrives which leaves Major Sholto in a state of shock and despair...

Direction Rodney Gibbons

Cast Matt Frewer · Kenneth Welsh · Sophie Lorain · Marcel Jeannin · Michel Perron · Edward Yankie · Kevin Woodhouse · Cas Anvar

Soundtrack Marc Ouellette

Screenplay Joe Wiesenfeld · Arthur Conan Doyle

Cinematography Eric Cayla

Original title The Sign of Four (TV)

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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