Rubí rebelde (TV Series) (1989)

1989 · Series · 60 min. · Venezuela

Rubí is a young girl abandoned and exploited. Victor lives on the other side of town from Rubi. A minor accident brings them together, sparking an instant attraction. Víctor's family is torn by secret ambitions and bitterness. His mother is an angry woman full of resentment. She battles a hostile relationship with Victor's paternal grandmother, who controls the family's wealth. Victor's brother, with his wicked ideas and evil notions, is much like his mother. His younger sister, the sweet Virginia, is blind. Victor is outstanding, both kind and warmhearted, and Rubí is induced by him to enter the family home. His concern is misinterpreted by Rubi as love for her. To make matters worse, Rubí is despised by Victor's mother. His grandmother, however, finds her charm and innocence touching. To avenge her spiteful daughter-in-law, the grandmother changes her will to name Rubí sole benefactor. Now potentially wealthy, Rubi is thrust into an unknown world, one in which she will again be compelled to fight to survive.

Where to watch Rubí rebelde (TV Series) (1989)?

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Unfortunately, Rubí rebelde (TV Series) (1989) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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