Moonlight & Mistletoe (TV) (2008)

2008 · Movie · United States

Moonlight & Mistletoe (TV) (2008)

In 'Saint' Nick Crosby's old-fashioned all-year Christmas village Santaville, working as a mere elf on Christmas preparations all year killed his daughter Holly's seasonal spirit. So she moved out, feeling neglected since ma's death, to become a Boston toy firm's hardest-working sales executive. When Nick makes a bad fall, she returns to help out. She finds Santaville outdated, near bankruptcy despite much generous help, especially from shy Peter. She tries to save it, counting on a plan proposed by charming financial advisor Ben Richards.

Direction Karen Arthur

Cast Tom Arnold · Candace Cameron Bure · Christopher Wiehl · Barbara Niven · Matt Walton · Allan F. Nicholls · Kaily Smith

Soundtrack Lawrence Shragge

Screenplay Joany Kane · Duane Poole

Cinematography Tom Neuwirth

Original title Moonlight & Mistletoe (TV)

Where to watch Moonlight & Mistletoe (TV) (2008)?

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Unfortunately, Moonlight & Mistletoe (TV) (2008) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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