Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989)

1989 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

This film, which incorporates the plots of four Damon Runyon stories, takes place in and around a grand New Year's Eve party in 1928. The guests, many of whose lives intertwine during the evening, include Harriet (Julie Hagerty), the rich society doll throwing the bash; the aptly named Feet Samuels (Randy Quaid), who is about to sell those body parts to a doctor; and Hortense (Madonna), the ballsy, money-hungry showgirl Feet has a crush on. There's also "The Brain" (Rutger Hauer), a mob boss with many girlfriends -- who's walking around with a knife in his stomach; Regret (Matt Dillon), so named for his chronic inability to pick a winning racehorse; and many other colorful characters, all of whom will make this one night to remember.

Direction Howard Brookner

Cast Matt Dillon · Jennifer Grey · Madonna · Randy Quaid · Julie Hagerty · Rutger Hauer · Esai Morales · Anita Morris · Steve Buscemi

Soundtrack Jonathan Sheffer

Screenplay Colman deKay · Howard Brookner · Damon Runyon

Cinematography Elliot Davis

Original title Bloodhounds of Broadway

Where to watch Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989)?

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Unfortunately, Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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