Magic Mirror (Espelho mágico) (2005)

2005 · Movie · 137 min. · Portugal

Luciano, fresh out of jail, was taken by his brother, Flórido, to serve in the home of wealthy Alfreda. He was surprised when she told him that her greatest desire was to see the Virgin Mary. Now comes this rich land owner with her sublime pretensions. Isn't it enough for her to have an Aston Martin and a Jaguar in the garage and ten different dresses per season? It was all professor Heschel's fault. Or someone else's. Anyway, to go beyond the promise is heresy. Alfreda said that she wouldn't rest until she saw the Virgin and made her some questions. Filipe Quinta, the Forger, says he has a solution. Meanwhile, Bahia, her husband, listens do music.

Direction Manoel de Oliveira

Cast Ricardo Trepa · Leonor Silveira · Luis Miguel Cintra · Duarte de Almeida · Leonor Baldaque · Marisa Paredes · Michel Piccoli · Lima Duarte · Isabel Ruth · Susana Sá · Gloria de Matos

Screenplay Manoel de Oliveira · Agustina Bessa-Luís

Cinematography Renato Berta

Original title Espelho mágico

Also known as Le miroir magique

Where to watch Magic Mirror (Espelho mágico) (2005)?

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