Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü (2016)

2016 · Movie · 87 min. · Turkey

Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü

Synopsis of Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü (2016)

Kadir is a man victimized to his mother's black magic to separate him from every woman , including his wife , that would ever think of approaching him But things went upside down as oppose to his mother's expectations.

Direction Alper Mestçi

Cast Seda Oguz · Özay Fecht · Deniz Gündogdu · Metin Yildirim · Merve Ates · Yücel Tunca

Soundtrack Resit Gözdamla

Screenplay Alper Mestçi

Cinematography Serdar Armutlu

Original title Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü

Also known as Three Letters 3: Black Magic

Where to watch Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü (2016)? Streaming, buy, and rent

If you’re wondering where to watch Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü (2016), LiberFilm provides you with all the available options to enjoy it online. Discover which streaming, rental, or purchase platforms offer it, with the best quality and price.

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Is Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü (2016) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

Many users search for whether Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü (2016) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.

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