Pa-ra-da (2008)

2008 · Movie · 100 min. · Italy

The film tells the true story of French clown Miloud Oukili from his arrival in Romania in 1992 (three years after the fall of Ceausescu) to his encounter with the street children of Bucharest, known as «boskettari» who live in the streets and sleep in Bucharest's sewers, eking a living out of petty crime, begging, and prostitution. Miloud wants to meet these neglected kids, turned into a quasi-feral state by their tragic past and ravaged by physical and sexual abuse and drug addiction, and shine some light in their lives. Although his efforts are at first hampered by corrupt and prejudiced Romanian police officers, Miloud will succeed in creating a real circus company with the «boskettari». The street children will perform in Bucharest’s main square, proving the world that they are not rejects but human beings.

Direction Marco Pontecorvo

Cast Jalil Lespert · Evita Ciri · Gabi Rauta · Patrice Juiff · Daniele Formica

Soundtrack Andrea Guerra

Screenplay Marco Pontecorvo · Roberto Tiraboschi

Cinematography Vincenzo Carpineta

Original title Pa-ra-da

Where to watch Pa-ra-da (2008)?

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