Cry_Wolf (Cry Wolf) (2005)

2005 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

Nobody believes a liar - even when they're telling the truth. When a young woman is found murdered, a group of local high school students decide to further scare their classmates by spreading online rumors that a serial killer called "The Wolf" is on the loose. By describing "The Wolf's" next victims, the students' game is to see how many people they can convince - and if anyone will uncover the lie. But when the described victims actually do start turning up dead, suddenly no one knows where the lies end and the truth begins. As someone or something begins hunting the students themselves, the game turns terrifyingly real.

Direction Jeff Wadlow

Cast Julian Morris · Lindy Booth · Jared Padalecki · Jon Bon Jovi · Sandra McCoy · Kristy Wu · Jesse Janzen · Paul James · Anna Deavere Smith · Ethan Cohn · Gary Cole

Soundtrack Michael Wandmacher

Screenplay Jeff Wadlow · Beau Bauman

Cinematography Romeo Tirone

Original title Cry_Wolf (Cry Wolf)

Where to watch Cry_Wolf (Cry Wolf) (2005)?

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Unfortunately, Cry_Wolf (Cry Wolf) (2005) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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