La Viuda de Blanco (TV Series) (2006)

2006 · Series · 46 min. · United States

La Viuda de Blanco (TV Series)

Synopsis of La Viuda de Blanco (TV Series) (2006)

A mysterious woman arrives in the town of Trinidad looking for her past. After years of imprisonment for a crime she did not commit, the beautiful widow Alicia Guardiola returns to claim her twin boys, who are being raised by their grandmother, the feared and respected Perfecta Albarracin. Perfecta has no intention of giving up her grandchildren without a fight, and enlists her son, the handsome Diego Blanco, to help her. On opposite sides of a battle to claim two precocious boys who share dreams and magical powers, Alicia and Diego find themselves falling in love, without even suspecting the dark consequences a relationship between them will bring.

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