Secrets of a Hollywood Nurse (TV) (2008)

2008 · Movie · United States

Secrets of a Hollywood Nurse (TV) (2008)

This short, dark comedy follows a few days in the life of our favorite Nurse/Actress, Tanya Brandt who gets caught in a psychotic entanglement with one of her homicidal patients. The film starts with a very dramatic "death montage soliloquy", a monologue patchwork of movie death scenes, that lead to Tanya's drug overdose death. We fade to blackout & abruptly find that she is alive & well on-stage, bowing before a full "Actor's Showcase" audience. We follow Tanya on her nursing rounds, which take her into the exotic lifestyles of Hollywood's rich & famous. Tanya rattles on about her stellar performance of her "death montage soliloquy" & about her new agent, Stan. Her career is about to take off! Then Tanya meets Marla, her newest patient, a "has-been" of '60s B-movie fame. Tanya's life starts to fall apart, as Marla drives her into an out-of-control, girl-on-girl pool fight-scene & a soap-opera death scene that may be a little too real. "Secrets of a Hollywood Nurse" is a tightly wound...

Where to watch Secrets of a Hollywood Nurse (TV) (2008)?

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Unfortunately, Secrets of a Hollywood Nurse (TV) (2008) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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