1976 · Movie · 103 min. · France
Plot: In the 1930's, a notorious secret society known as Spermula - centered around the "rapture of being" achieved through a total liberation of the senses - disappeared from "civilized society." They were rumored to have developed supernatural powers. Over time they have honed their powers, and put in motion a plan to return from the future and conquer the world that once exiled them. An elite force of commandos - in the guise of several beautiful females - are charged with the task of neutering the male population. This is to be achieved by extracting the male reproductive fluids (orally) - allowing the decadent human race to eventually die off from natural attrition. Ingrid (Dayle Haddon), leading the Spermulan assault, sets about ...
Direction Charles Matton
Cast Dayle Haddon · Udo Kier · François Dunoyer · Jocelyne Boisseau · Ginette LeClerc · Isabelle Mercanton · Georges Géret · Radiah Frye · Angela McDonald · Suzannah Djan · Myriam Mézières · Karin Petersen
Soundtrack José Bartel
Screenplay Charles Matton
Cinematography Jean-Jacques Flori
Original title Spermula
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