Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (13 Conversations About One Thing) (2002)

2002 · Movie · 94 min. · United States

A man approaching middle age decides to change his life. A rising young attorney's plans are thrown into disarray as the result of a single act. A woman faces her husband's infidelity. An envious businessman seeks revenge on a cheerful coworker and an optimistic young cleaning woman awaits a miracle. Just the ebb and flow of daily New York life: chaotic, isolated, diffuse. Or is it? How can we know what effect we have on a passing stranger? What if the smallest gesture can change the course of someone's life? Perhaps fate is in fact a product of the choices we make -- how we choose to accept seemingly random events, whether or not we opt to see the interconnectedness of things. Perhaps, too, there really is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if we can't see it yet. Thirteen Conversations About One Thing weaves five contemporary stories together into a single tale that examines the dramatic impact people have on one another.

Direction Jill Sprecher

Cast Matthew McConaughey · John Turturro · Clea Duvall · Amy Irving · Alan Arkin · David Connelly · Barbara Sukowa · Tia Texada · Frankie Faison · Shawn Elliott · William Wise · Peggy Gormley · Malcom Gets

Soundtrack Alex Wurman

Screenplay Jill Sprecher · Karen Sprecher

Cinematography Dick Pope

Original title Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (13 Conversations About One Thing)

Where to watch Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (13 Conversations About One Thing) (2002)?

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Unfortunately, Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (13 Conversations About One Thing) (2002) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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