Tú o nadie (TV Series) (1985)

1985 · Series · 45 min. · Mexico

Tú o nadie (TV Series) (1985)

A simple but beautiful girl, Raquel marries "Antonio Lombardo", who says he is a businessman. But immediately afterwards, he says he must leave to attend to some business and he sends her to his home in another city with promises that he'll catch up with her later. But on her arrival, her husband's family greets her with surprise. He had never told them he was getting married, and shortly afterwards, they recieve news that his private jet has exploded. As Antonio's wife, Raquel inherits everything - and what a surprise when the man she married arrives in secret and says that he is not Antonio but Max. He tells her that her husband really is the dead guy and proposes that after enough time had passed they could really get married and enjoy together the money she has inherited. She doesn't want any part of this twisted scheme, but he threatens her. And things only get worse when the dead "husband" turns up alive, and he appears intent on keeping this new "wife" he has met upon his return.

Where to watch Tú o nadie (TV Series) (1985)?

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Unfortunately, Tú o nadie (TV Series) (1985) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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