Naughty Teen (1977)

1977 · Movie · 87 min. · Italy

Naughty Teen (1977)

Young Daniela (Ursula Heinle) travels to the city to stay with her widowed uncle, who wrestles with temptation as his pretty house-guest flaunts her sexuality by showering with the door open and casually walking around nude. Meanwhile, much to her uncle's dismay, Daniela finds herself drawn to the womanizing pilot in a nearby apartment who previously lusted after her late aunt.

Direction Andrea Bianchi

Cast Úrsula Heinle · Femi Benussi · Francesco Parisi · Lucio Flauto

Soundtrack Elsio Mancuso

Screenplay Piero Regnoli

Cinematography Franco Villa

Original title Cara dolce nipote

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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