The Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (TV) (1960)

1960 · Movie · 25 min. · United States

Don and Pat Carter are on their honeymoon when their car breaks down in the small town of Ridgeview, Ohio. They have a few hours to spare while their car is being repaired and spend time in the diner. There they find a fortune-telling machine, a game where you can ask a question and for a penny will spit out an innocuous answer. When the machine apparently begins to predict events - Don's promotion at work, a near accident on the street outside - a superstitious Don becomes infatuated with the device threatening his marriage and his future with Pat.

Direction Richard L. Bare

Cast William Shatner · Patricia Breslin · Guy Wilkerson · Stafford Repp · Walter Reed · Dee Carroll · Robert McCord

Soundtrack Marius Constant

Screenplay Richard Matheson

Cinematography George T. Clemens

Original title The Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (TV)

Where to watch The Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (TV) (1960)?

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Unfortunately, The Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (TV) (1960) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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