Not Safe for Work (2014)

2014 · Movie · 74 min. · United States

The ambitious legal assistant Tom Miller works at the Rosen, Byres and Emmerich Attorneys at Law and secretly dates the gorgeous clerk Anna. His company has presently two major cases: Hartcourt vs. Denning Pharmaceutical, against a powerful corporation, and Gambizzi Case, against a mafia family. On the eve of the judgment of the Hartcourt case, Alan Emmerich releases all the employees early in the afternoon and he also fires Tom for snooping around the Gambizzi case. When Tom is leaving the building with Anna, he sees a man leaving a suitcase on the floor and another man wearing a suit taking the suitcase and going to the 34th floor of the building. Tom decides to follow him and soon he discovers that he man is actually a hit-man. Soon Tom is trapped on the floor with the killer since his access card is deactivated. Who hired the hit-man?

Direction Joe Johnston

Cast Max Minghella · JJ Feild · Eloise Mumford · Christian Clemenson · Tom Gallop · Molly Hagan · Marina Black · Tim Griffin

Soundtrack Tyler Bates

Screenplay Adam Mason · Simon Boyes

Cinematography Jonathan Taylor

Original title Not Safe for Work

Where to watch Not Safe for Work (2014)?

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Unfortunately, Not Safe for Work (2014) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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