The Diary of a Chambermaid (1964)

1964 · Movie · 97 min. · France

The Diary of a Chambermaid (1964)

The second screen version of Octave Mirbeau's novel (originally filmed in 1946 by Jean Renoir), Diary of a Chambermaid charts the ambitions of Celestine (Jeanne Moreau), a woman who comes to work in the 1930s for a Normandy estate occupied by Monsieur Rabour, his daughter, and the daughter's husband, Monsieur Montiel. Celestine quickly learns that M. Rabour is a more or less harmless boot fetishist, his daughter a frigid woman more concerned with the family furnishings than in returning the affections of her husband, who, in turn, can't keep his hands off the servants. The gamekeeper, Joseph, is a fascist who keeps his masters informed of all the doings downstairs, and the next-door neighbor is a veteran who can't stand Monteil and is sharing a bed with his housekeeper. Celestine picks her way through this minefield carefully, spurning the advances of all of the men until it's convenient for her.

Direction Luis Buñuel

Cast Jeanne Moreau · Michel Piccoli · Georges Géret · Françoise Lugagne · Daniel Ivernel · Jean Ozenne · Gilberte Géniat

Screenplay Luis Buñuel · Jean-Claude Carrière · Octave Mirbeau

Cinematography Roger Fellous

Original title Le journal d'une femme de chambre

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