ALIEN: Harvest (S) (2019)

2019 · Movie · 9 min. · United States

ALIEN: Harvest (S) (2019)

The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes to reach the emergency evacuation shuttle. A motion sensor is their only navigation tool leading them to safety while a creature in the shadows terrorizes the crew. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight all along.

Direction Ben Howdeshell

Cast Jessica Clark · Agnes Olech · Adam Sinclair · James C. Burns

Soundtrack Danny Cocke

Screenplay Craig Dewey

Cinematography Chris Saul

Original title ALIEN: Harvest (S)

Where to watch ALIEN: Harvest (S) (2019)?

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Unfortunately, ALIEN: Harvest (S) (2019) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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