Frühling: Spuren der Vergangenheit (TV) (2020)

2020 · Movie · 89 min. · Germany

Frühling: Spuren der Vergangenheit (TV) (2020)

Young Katja wants to help a loner who has let her house run down and is now sleeping in her car.

Direction Gunnar Fuss

Cast Simone Thomalla · Christoph M. Ohrt · Kristo Ferkic · Johannes Herrschmann · Julia Brendler · Julia Dietze · Yasmina Kraus · Theresia Vajkoczy · Catalina Navarro Kirner · Thekla Hartmann

Soundtrack Johannes Brandt

Screenplay Natalie Scharf

Cinematography Nathalie Wiedemann

Original title Spuren der Vergangenheit

Also known as Frühling: Spuren der Vergangenheit

Where to watch Frühling: Spuren der Vergangenheit (TV) (2020)?

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