The Late Nancy Irving (TV) (1984)

1984 · Movie · 70 min. · United Kingdom

The Late Nancy Irving (TV) (1984)

A famous US golfer with an extremely rare blood type is taken to a private hospital after falling ill. Her recovery prolongs and she befriends the people there. One day, she sees a TV news report on her death and realizes she's trapped.

Direction Peter Sasdy

Cast Cristina Raines · Marius Goring · Simon Williams · Tony Anholt · Zienia Merton · Mick Ford · Tom Chadbon · Lewis Fiander · Michael Elwyn · Ben Robertson · Derek Benfield · Christopher Banks · Tony Millan · David Rose

Soundtrack Paul Glass

Screenplay David Fisher

Cinematography Brian West

Original title The Late Nancy Irving (TV)

Where to watch The Late Nancy Irving (TV) (1984)?

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Unfortunately, The Late Nancy Irving (TV) (1984) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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